"Kivuko" is a word in Kiswahili, the national language of Tanzania, and means "bridge" in translation. Kivuko e.V. wants to build a bridge between Germany and Tanzania in order to support the areas of health, education and equal opportunities locally - especially in the Rulenge / Ngara region.
The doctor Martine Mwampamba
The concept of Kivuko e.V. is therefore based on emergency and sustainable help.
The initiative to found the association came from past "weltwärts" volunteers and the Tanzanian doctor Martine Mwampamba. Together they wanted to improve the quality of life there through specific support.
Kivuko e.V. was founded on 2 May 2015 with the intention of also engaging from Germany. Since June 2015 the association is listed in the register of associations and in October 2015 it was recognized as a non-profit organization.
The doctor Martine Mwampamba with a client
The engagement through Kivuko e.V. is characterized by the fact that the help arrives directly and uncomplicatedly where it is urgently needed. For this reason, support is concentrated on the former "weltwärts" location Rulenge in Tanzania. Here there are cooperation partners who coordinate the support on site in close exchange with Kivuko e.V. This enables a targeted and effective realisation of the association's concept.