Many of you have probably wondered during the last posts how malaria infection can be avoided. This is what we want to explain to you today. Malaria prevention can happen in two ways:
1) Exposure prohylaxis
The best thing would be if we are not stung first, because then no malaria infection can develop (No sting = No infection). So how to protect from mosquito bites?
Wear adjusted clothing (long trouser legs, stockings, long sleeves, bright colors)
impregnate clothing with suitable #insecticides
Rubbing the skin with mosquito repellents (active ingredient DEET or Icaridin)
Avoid the times when the malarial mosquito is active: twilight, at night, early morning hours
Frequent showering and daily changing of socks

For tourists, these may be easy options. In malaria areas, however, not all measures are feasible in the long term, e.g. avoiding certain times of the day, buying mosquito repellents. The WHO has therefore established 2 core interventions for prevention:
Sleeping under insecticide-treated #mosquito nets
Spraying the houses with insecticide sprays (indoor residual spraying)
These measures have made great progress in the fight against malaria. However, malaria mosquitoes are already resistant to one of the 4 most commonly used insecticide classes in 78 countries. In 29 countries, there is even resistance in all major classes.
2) Drug prophylaxis
Preventive chemotherapy is medication taken alone or in combination to malaria prevention:
Chemoprophylaxis (for travelers) to suppress a blood stage of infection
Intermittent preventive treatment of infants
Intermittent preventive treatment of pregnant women
Seasonal malaria chemoprevention
Mass administration of drugs
In addition, since October 2021 there has been a # vaccine that the WHO recommends for children from regions with moderate to high malaria transmission. It is not yet available in all parts of the world.
Tropeninstitut.de (o.J.).Schutz vor Malaria. Verfügbar unter : https://tropeninstitut.de/malaria/schutz-vor-malaria. [28.05.2022].
Tropeninstitut.de (o.J.). Schutz vor Insektenstiche und -bisse. Verfügbar unter: https://tropeninstitut.de/malaria/schutz-vor-malaria/schutz-vor-insektenstiche-und-bisse[28.05.2022].
Universitätsklinik Freiburg (o.J.). Malaria Vorbeugung. Verfügbar unter: https://www.uniklinik-freiburg.de/infektiologie/tropen-und-reisemedizin/malaria/malaria-vorbeugung.html[28.05.2022].
WHO (2022). Malaria. Verfügbar unter: https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/malaria[28.05.2022].
WHO (2022). Lifesaving malaria vaccine: harnessing innovation to fight an ancient killer. Verfügbar unter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N1D6BTw0i9I&list=PL9S6xGsoqIBVoFI9efJCvmbAw4z0IJ8-s&index=1[28.05.2022].